Head Lice
If you find lice, don't worry or be embarrassed. Head lice are a normal part of childhood - nearly 1 in 10 primary school children could have head lice at any one time.
If you're a parent you probably know what a hassle it is to treat head lice and just how frustrating it can be when your child comes home scratching their head yet again.
But parents can fight the spread of head lice by working together:
- Check your family's hair for lice regularly - once a week is ideal!
- Visit your local pharmacist for guidance on the various treatments available. You can join the Minor Ailments Scheme tat your local pharmacy to get free lotion.
- Get treatment for you or your family as soon as you find live lice
- Let your friends and family know as soon as you've found live lice
- Please inform school too so that we can ask parents of children in your child's class to check their hair.