Useful Websites
Mathletics A website providing Maths games and activities, including the opportunity to play against other children around the world!
TT Rockstars Learn your Times Tables by playing games against classmates or people around the world!
Bug Club Books to read, and Spelling and Grammar activities. Your username is the first four letters of first and last name.
Spellodrome A website that helps you to learn your spellings through games and activities.
Thinkuknow A website that explains how to stay safe on the internet.
Scratch The coding website that we use in our ICT lessons. Login using the information given to you by Mrs Bourke
Pobble The website that makes your writing famous!
Topmarks Maths Games An excellent selection of Maths games
BBC KS2 Bitesize Lots of information and activities linked to school work
Primary Homework Help A useful site for helping with your homework!