Keeping Safe
Introducing Ollie – a virtual friend (ParentZone/BBC Children In Need)
Ollee is a digital friend for children aged 8-11, created by Parent Zone and funded by BBC Children in Need’s A Million & Me initiative, which aims to make a difference to children’s emotional wellbeing.
It’s designed to help children reflect on how they feel and to process their experiences with the support and help of their parents and carers – and it does this by offering them advice about a range of subjects: school, family, friends, their body, the internet and the world. For each of these subjects, children can choose an emotion that matches how they feel about it: happy, angry, sad, confused, frustrated, stressed or worried.
Next, they can choose from a list of topics – for instance, a child who was worried about school might be able to select ‘I haven’t done my homework’ as the cause of their worry. Finally, they’ll see a page of advice about the topic, presented in child-friendly bite-sized chunks they can read then or save for later.
You can more information and download the Ollee app here:
Be Share Aware
How to Stay Safe Online
St Luke's CE Primary School
In school you have three rights.
They are;
The right to feel and be safe.
The right to learn.
The right to be treated with respect.
All the adults in your school will make sure that you are always safe. We will always listen to your concerns and act to make sure that we carry on keeping you safe.
You can speak to any adult in school about your concerns or you can write them in your pastoral notebook; Mrs Whealing will read them and offer you any advice and support that she thinks you might need. Mrs. Lomas is here to help your parents and carers keep you safe outside school.
Mrs Heslop is the adult who has the special job of making sure that you are kept safe.