
St Luke's C of E Primary School

Nurturing the individual as part of our community

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Lledr Hall Residential

The children have arrived safely at Lledr Hall to glorious weather and a friendly welcome from the staff. They have explored the local area that they will be staying, enjoyed their first meal and had a good night sleep with their friends in their rooms. Today there are lots of exciting activities happening in their groups, but first a hearty breakfast. More photos and news to follow. 


(Please be patient as internet access in the heart of Wales can be variable from Lledr Hall and staff are very busy supporting the children settle in to their stay)

Arrival - Day 1

Day 2- Bouldering and Low Ropes 


Today groups 1 and 3 tested their teamwork, critical thinking and physical agility.


The Low Rope assault course encouraged the children to communicate effectively, problem solve and work as a team to complete the course. It was fabulous to see how pupils were able to encourage and support their friends. 

Compassion, Faith, Wisdom and Community were demonstrated.









The Boulder Climbing  challenged the children physically, testing their strength, balance and climbing technique. It also encouraged the children to take risks, try something new and face their own fears.

Faith, Wisdom and Aspiration were demonstrated by all.











Day 2- Canoeing and Gorge Walking


Today Groups 2 and 4 tested their teamwork, strength, stamina and resilience. They all rose to the challenge!


The children were required to follow a sequence of instructions to prepare themselves and their equipment for the day. They managed to independently dress in their skin tight, wetsuits and wet-boots, as well as check their safety equipment. During canoeing the children communicated clearly, often instructing, encouraging and supporting each other as they prepared the canoes and rowed across the lake.


The children channelled their inner Vikings, as they exceeded all expectations when they rowed against the wind on their return journey across the lake. They  were determined no to let the weather cut their activity short. They demonstrated Faith, Wisdom, Aspiration, Community and Compassion as well as fabulous rowing rhythm!








Gorge Walking challenged the children to navigate upstream, through flowing water, over slippery and jagged rocks and under a waterfall. They were able to slide and dip in the flowing, brisk Welsh water. 

The children demonstrated, Faith, Wisdom, Aspiration, Community and Compassion as well as stamina, resilience and a great sense of humour.















Night 2- Movie Night

Snacks, Sleeping bags and Slumber.


After watching 'The Call of the Wild' and brushing their teeth, the children quickly settled down to sleep. 


Day 3 


Groups 1 and 3 Gorge walking and canoeing

Today Groups 1 and 3 tested their teamwork, stamina and determination all while wearing a wetsuit on the most glorious sunny day. They were very relieved to be able to cool in the brisk Welsh water and even jumped in the lake!


While walking against the flow of the rushing water through the Gorge, the children navigated over slippery rocks and through varying depths of water. They persevered even when the visibility was poor and their footing was precarious.


Not only did the children row across the lake, they also swapped places on the canoes. The children shouted encouragement and suggestions to each other, as they switched places or moved from one canoe to another, all while in motion. Throughout the day, they demonstrated Faith, Wisdom, Aspiration, Community and Compassion as well as Courage and Determination.











Group 2 and 4 Low ropes and Boulder climbing





Night 3 


Bonfire, Games and S'mores





The staff would like to thank you for enabling us to spend a fantastic time with your child. 

Over the coming week or two (tech is not Miss Ingram's friend) you will be able to access many photo's of your child and their group adventures. 


Thank you

  • Through our Christian school and ethos, we all aim to believe in ourselves, each other, our teachers, leaders and parents. With reflection and prayer, we trust in God that our prayers will be heard. We know that every child is a child of Jesus, treating everyone with respect and dignity that they deserve.

    Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
    Matthew 7:7


  • We aim to build our pupils’ and teachers’ confidence, delight in their teaching & learning and discipline in seeking wisdom; gaining the truth, knowledge, understanding and skills they will need in their everyday lives. We offer a broad and inspiring curriculum that nurtures emotional intelligence, creativity and remembering of important knowledge. We teach and learn collaboratively leading to our pupils developing the life skills of learning.

    For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;
    Proverbs 2:6


  • We aim to be the best we can be. Whilst nurturing our pupils’ and staff, we encourage and drive them to aspire to achieve their hopes and dreams. We are honest in the fact that this will take hard work, perseverance and resilience.

    For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
    Jeremiah 29:11


  • Above all we aim to show compassion to ourselves and each other. By developing strong relationships and friendships we develop a true understanding of each other.

    ‘Love thy neighbour…’
    Luke 10:28


  • We are a family. We show compassion for all members of our community irrespective of gender, ethnicity, religion or sexuality. We strive to be ‘courageous advocates’ for our local, national and global community.

    There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.
    Galatians 3:28



Awards we have recieved so far.
